
1.Changing constitution as per present needs

The constitution of India is a carbon copy of British constitution with minor changes in it. But today for vibrant India the constitution needs a drastic change. A  constitution  which is for the people of India is the need of the Hour. All the articles in the constitution which are obsolete and unwanted and not friendly for the Indians to dwell is to be removed and a New Constitution is to be written.

2.Speed access trains or bullet trains from Kashmir to kanyakumari

 And Assam to Gujarat.

For vibrant India the common man has to travel as fast as they can without wasting the time factor. All corners of Indian habitation should reap the facility to travel  for their destination at the shortest of time.

3. citizens From anywhere to Natinal capital should reach  within 12 hours.

Necessary steps shall be taken for the moment of daily needs of people from every nook and corner of the country to other side for  proper distribution of natural resources or food grains to other side of needy people.

4.Resheduling multiple taxation. One nation one tax. No state barriers.

There will be single point tax, no multiple taxation system in order to bring the price rise. All price tag will be decided centrally. Uniform  rates shall be imposed for all food grains, medicines, vegetables, Petroleum products, edible oil etc. through out India.

5.Rescheduling reservations as per today’s situations.

Reservation system is to be changed. Right person for the Right job will be our slogan. Only job aspirants will be decided by their ability and merits.Reservation for economically backward people only.No reservation on the basis of caste.Welfare schemes will be streamlined on the basis of economic status only.All caste based welfare offices such as OBC corporation,ST & SC corporation etc are to be closed.

There will be only two categories of people 1) Economically able 2) Economically backward

6.Lokpal if the supreme judiciary authority.

Lokpal will be the supreme authority for judicial system and it will not be controlled by any poltical or beurocracy  or Executives.The office of Lokpal only answerable to the President of India.President of India will be more powerful  in our working system.




7.Judicial systems in every block headquarters.No pendency of cases.

We want to establish Judicial magistrates in every Block Head quarters.Every case shall be decided asap.There will be no pendency of cases.

8.Common man is the main backbone of the society,so all salaried  employees are subject to every common man—that is real democracy. Every Govt. Employee answerable to common man and all querrys of people should be explained. National Complaint  kiosks will be opened in every village and a common man can lodge any complaint with evidence and it will reach the central administration on the click of the computer mouse and will go to redressal cell and looked in to forth with.The complainant has to certify the redressal.

9.Revenue system of our country is to be revamped and changes should be done for the benefit of people of India.The old british pattern of revenue system should be abolished.

10.No pension for political leaders.

A person enjoying the political office will not be subject to pensions. They get the facility of executives for five years  only not for the life time so pension system to politician enjoying the  office of profits are to be abolished.Uniform salary to all political office beares to be implemented.                  

10.Criminal history persons are not allowed to participate in elections Not only convicted persons,accuseds are also can not contest elections to any elected bodies.

11.For the sake of new india visions necessary reforms will be brought by the recommendations of an elite committee of experts appointed by NSC

12.There will be no state police or territorial police Only Indian Police.

There will be one police system in India.No State police only Indian police will be implimented immediately after NSC comes to power.When there is one IPC throughout India only one police system will be established.A police constable of Madurai can be transferred to Kashmir and the police system will be revamped accordingly.Internal security will be subject of central administration only like military.No states will have any interference in the Internal security system as we want India should be strong internally  and externally.

13.National Education system is compulsory.” ONE NATION ,ONE SYLLABUS”

14.Compulsory of education upto 10th standard for every Indians.If children are not sent to schools,the parents will be punished and a separate bill be enacted and the orphan child will be put in shelter homes and get them educated upto 10 th standard by the Govt.




15.National vigilance commission,ED and CBI,NIA  shall be under the defence. media to be censored .Strict  laws are to be imposed on way wards. Cyber crime are a thret to National security so necessary stringent actions should be imposed on cyber criminals.

17.Legislative house and parliamentary behaviour of members are to be defined strictly.

Any unparliamentarily language used by members or damages to  the house properties, their salary shall be cut and the loss made by the members shall be paid by the members. If the member does the same for three times then their membership should be seized.

18.Reservation of seats  either for assembly or lok sabha or rajya sabha,or MLC,local bodies such as gram panchayats,block level or district parishads should be 30% for women .


19.30%  of the total lands should reserved for greenery.


20.Uniform civil code for all Indians irrespective caste ,creed,religion.

21.Begging will be treated as crime.No beggars will be there anywhere in India.Strict and stringent laws shall be enacted to stop begging in India.

22. No political party or any type of protests  and dharanas  are allowed to damage public propert.Permission for such activities will be given only on the assurance on such protection of public property.

23) Population control and pollution control are to be subject of  referendum. A public opinion poll be conducted on these basis and the referendum given by the people will be implemented.