Why Samajwadi Congress?

 Strong Reasons to start this Party : National Samajwadi Congress :-

 I have been observing for the last 30 years the political situation and activities in India.I have traveled every nook and corner of India .I have  studied world history and Indian history and observing manifestos of different  foreign countries abroad.

 How the independence struggle began and who were actually the instrument to start the Independence struggle AND  who are the actual freedom fighters sacrificed their valuable lives  for the future generation of the then society .Who are the people taken advantage of those scarified souls and diverted the direction of basic livelihood of Indians.



I invite all teachers of this country to take necessary initiation to educate today’s youth with the rich and very valuable knowledge of pre indepence era.

Maharshi Shree Aurobindo Ghosh is one of the architecture of Independent India.The contribution of this legend Super human being who has attained the highest human stairs did give his thought and actions in the pre independence era which gave a profound foundation for the path of Independence.

The today’s youth should know of this great man.And you the teachers who are the real architects of building the tender children in to a responsible youth will in vive and  convey the facts to this generation and that will be your vital responsibility-  we ,The NSC want to invite to do this act.

We are not poor,our country was never poor.But the opportunists,oppressors,the kings,the britisher looted our country made us poor,the oppressors compressed our thoughts by way of religion,caste and creed looted the people and made us poorer of thoughts,the politician looted the economy and deposited Indian wealth in foreign countries made us poorer.We have got the mineral resources but our people are poor and we are treated as a poor country by propagation by our opportunistic leaders. These all are due to loopholes in our constitution which is the carbon copy of British Constitution.Britishers never wanted India to florish.Then why we copied the laws rules and constitution of British people.Because Nehru wanted to become First prime Minister of India.Nehru has taken the Kashmir issue to the International platform although it was our own internal matter.Had Sardar Ballav bai patel our Prime Minister then the scene of Modern India would have been something else.Mistakes of M.K.Gandhi was never screened.which needs lot debate .

Who will infuse these burning and sensational facts in the mind of today’s youth ?

You the learned teachers only can do and make them educate the real stories which will be the strongest foundation in building a new India.And Nethaji publications will a supporting stick to our learned teachers

 in this endevour.

My invitation to all teachers of India to come out from their houses and enlight the tender student about the rich heritage and culture of our Indian glory.Your silence has given a wrong direction to the growth of India.Please come out with a vow to  mission to reconstruct Indian growth.The seed of right direction growth you teachers will implant in the minds of students will give India a vision to eradicate all odds and the entire Indian society will reap the fruits of this enlightened vision and make the poverty disappear from the Indian Map.Please read the books of Maharshi Shri Acharya Aurobindo Ghosh  and practice the principles narrated therein and you yourself make to elevate from the human being to next stage of super human beings.All books written by eminent writer are available in our Nethaji library in each district head quarters.

Maharshi shri Aurobimdo Ghosh:-

Today’s youth has any inkling of knowledge about this great man.But He is one of the blessed souls of this Bharat who was one the great architectures of Independence India.To know about Shri Aurobindo Ghosh one should the  read his biography.A multi dimentional leader,scholor and his contribution for the Independence struggle can not be spoken ,it has to be understood.

Sarbashree Sardar Ballavbai Patel:

The Iron man of India who made India United and made all princely states to surrender before the mighty principle of this Iron Man was not an ordinary person.A principle soldiar for the cause India,

By the Indian people and of the Indians.Had this Iron Man would have been the first Prime Minister of India,today the status of India in the world would have been something else.A true freedom fighter a true nationalist,a great statesman,a visionary.If these things are practiced in true sence automatically the Indian Status in the eyes of world will change.  We should try to affix the Mahatma to this Bharatratna and true son of mother India.


Nethaji Subhash Chandra Bose:-

Without any financial status this great son of India started to build a huge army to  release this mother India from the clutches  of Britishers.The then opressors of Indan polity had never tried to understand this person and afraod of him in every moment of freedom struggle.Only on a simple invitation of this personality lakhs of the then young souls joind Azad Hind Fouz and dedicated their lives for the Indian freedom struggle.To narrate about this great son of Mother India my knowledge very little and limited.

So I invite all teachers to come forward from your houses and join in this Nethaji National Army to eradicate the evils of this society and rewrite the freedom struggle in new direction and dimension.

Today US ‘seconomy is 23 trillion dollars with a population of 35 crs,Chinas economy is 19 trillion dollars with a population of 165 crs.whereas Indian economy is 1.9 trillion with a population of 135 crs.

Why why why  / do you have any answer to it.Even after 75 years of independence we have not attained any independence economically.The foreign opressors were ther before independence and the inland opressors are now in India  always depriving us from our legitimate livelihood and economy.

I invite all the youths,technocrats,teachers,professionals,learned people to unite on this open platform to release every Indian from ths clutches of enemies of freedom whether its social or economical.

Let us rewrite the freedom struggle which will give a new direction to live with sanctity and pride.




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Guru brahma Guru vishnu Guru maheshwara  Guru sakshat parbrahman Guruve namah:







,Yoga: Karmasu Kaushalam,

Greetings to all the Gurus of India


Teachers are responsible to play an important role in the society.


Teachers like Kautilya Pandit are responsible for protecting the society.


social valuesThe Guru is responsible for maintaining justice and righteousness.



Teachers are the only ones who are going to teach the values ??of higher values ??to the students


Teachers are the ones who teach the important qualities of the education they need to the students.

 A group of people posing for a photo

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But think about whether you are fulfilling or neglecting these responsibilities today.,


Do you support the education system in India or have you tried to change something,


Have you ever worried about the society or fought for something?,


Did you pay attention to politics or did you think that politics is enough if we get one month's salary and life is enough,


Having knowledge of politics, have you tried to follow the right path?,


What is your role in today's society, What is your responsibility? what do you know


Do you know that like your carelessness, the socio-political politics of India has been completely destroyed


Do you know about the economic condition of India today do you know how bad we are,


do you know that weWe lived like slaves for 800 years and after independence we gave 50 years of power to one family and lived like beggars?


Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, An Indian Hero

Have you seen that all political parties in the country are following the path taught by Congress and religions are destroying the country by dividing people in the form of castes and communities,


Do you know that Indians have lost the ethos of questioning what kind of education is useless,


Do you know that injustice is happening in IndiaThere is no one to stop irregularities and exploitation?


Have you ever thought about the national education system in IndiaDo you know that without the spirit of nationalism among the youth, the country will never be able to become better?


Do you have complete understanding of freedom struggle? Do you support those who claim that only Gandhi and Nehru brought freedom?


are you aravindghosh nameDo you know of a great man?



Do you know that Gandhi destroyed the country by distorting history without understanding the history of the mine about the freedom struggle,


Do you know that the Constitution of India80 percent is British law and the country will never improve until the constitution is changed?


Are you in India without political critics?Have the courage to predict the future of our country in 20 years?


Did you know thatWhy did India become a slave state 800 years ago? The reason for this was the blind and negative thinking of the gurus and teachers.

Still the same time is going on. This thinking has to be changed or else the situation in India will become even more serious. If we do not think about the society now, then there will be no difference between us and the beggars.

Would you be interested to join the platform run by Netaji Rashtriya Sena Gurus as a platform to guide the people on the right path to fight for praise in the country?,

We pray that you establish Netaji Rashtriya Sena Netaji Knowledge Center in every district and guide your teachers on the right path for youth and become good politicians in future. Work half an hour a day and pay off the debt.

If you want to see the country as a developed country, then the guidance of question forum gurus is very important if you want to join the national army., then call and meet on the following numbers. The first 100 members will be given special recognition as coordinators.

The members are elected in the discussion about the country and the constitution

On the day of the inauguration of Netaji National Army, we request you to be a partner in offering food and diamonds to those great men.

Those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom. The development of the country depends on the education of the teachers in the country. If the country is backward, thenIndia also lags behind and the country lags behind because of teachers. They should be questioned, they should be corrected at the right time. Teachers are the ones who guide the society. He should lead, he should lead the students on the right path.

Need a respectful forum All teachers need a platform where they can come together and think and decide about the activities to be done for the society of tomorrow Selfless and respected Guru Everyone listens to what has to be said so you need to discuss and direct the education system in the country observe the shortcomings in the society give advice and suggest if necessary a platform is needed to fight they don't need education only in textbooks socio-economic Observe the issues The living conditions of the students are not in the country today, the teacher does not know many facts.,

 those who have benefited and if you do not know about history then students will come to know that real education which benefits society, he is the real teacher who thinks about the society with his concrete work should use his concrete work to bring freedom to India if we forget the great saint who inspired the freedom movement and the spirit of freedom in the people Born and directed the first educated people of the country, which country would be better without gratitude towards them? Think today's education system is on the right track, national education system should come in the country, nationalism should be born in the students, so my teacher started Netaji National Army on the orders of Sri Aurobindo, think about every teacher, pay attention to the future of the country. Dreams of Freedom Only those who know can predict the future Teach students the culture of human history.


Netaji National Army Scheme

28 states 8 union territories 775 districts 5650 taluks 2 lakh 50 thousand grampanchayats with a population of 135 crore  people .Gram panchayats connecting all areas for monitoring More than 100 committed teachers will be formed in each district with in-depth understanding of the country's politics and future plans. 5 acres or 3 acres registered in the name of Netaji Sangam depending on the prices in the area and water accommodation and meeting rooms for children. 25 to 30 rooms with modern facilities, a large conference hall, gymnasium, playground, modern facilities, freedom to India A hall to erect statues of great men who sacrificed their lives for the Father Maharishishri Aurobindo Meditation Center Social libraries can be set up around the greenery to educate the children for good results



Financial resources to teachers in each district center for setting up Netaji National Army Knowledge Center10,000/- will have to be paid, and they will be provided with clothes and food in their name on our membership card.Netaji National Army Headquarters to be released by Netaji House New Delhi. The names of the people who donated generously in this hymn for developmentMore than 10 shares will be permanently engraved on rocks. Netaji Publications will continue to provide knowledge-providing books to the youth of India in future as well as their revenues will be allocated for the development of Netaji Kendras. Only Gurus are admitted as members of the Netaji National Army established under the direction of our Gurushree Acharya Aravind to give respect to Suvidha Gurus. Each teacher who pays Rs. Can interact with teachers of the regions and plan for the future Teachers who have traveled anywhere in the country can take the help of teachers Convention centers in district centers are also fully used for weddings and parties in their families can be used from.


Netaji National Army Functions


The main objective is to connect the youth with the gurus and use the energy of the youth with full enthusiasm for the betterment of the society for the betterment of the country.

To train them properly and make them responsible citizens and responsible politicians of tomorrow.

Members of the Netaji Sena are properly serviced and supervised to ensure proper access to basic amenities such as roads, water facilities, rations, police stations, panchayat revenue offices, government hospitals in their respective areas, draw the attention of gurus when injustice occurs and Issue warnings to them from the district headquarters and lead the people on the right track. Records maintained by party panchayat wards about those who spend their time using Netaji's army if they can stand before the courts and Can't provide proper services to hirers. Young teachers meet every month at Netaji centers to make plans.

teachers in each district, youth, tree plantation programme, explaining the methods of water conservation to the people and doing necessary activities for the society

Transforming Netaji Knowledge Centers into science fairs to promote nationalism among school children in every district, Visiting statues of freedom fighters at Netaji Center in every district

To save the public from being run by the existing political parties, the authorities should discuss the issue and suggest a solution in a radical overhaul of the constitution so that the judiciary can steer the political system in the right direction.

To initiate programs to formulate and implement the Indian National Education Policy

To give membership of Netaji National Army to the students of each school and college and to provide them accommodation in the district headquarters so that they can undertake necessary excursions and science trips in the country.

Enhancing the competitive ethos and inter-district as wellSelection of suitable trainers and training them in sports at district centers for carrying out heavy responsibilities like organizing inter-state sports competitions.



Right now no one asks questions about the politics going on in the society, we want all the educated people of India, children and teachers became the first question spokesperson

Only then the country can progress well. And the country can rise up.

We want you to cooperate with us to change this situation. We want the teacher to be the first to cooperate and to gift their honestly earned capital to this Netaji National Army. First Book from Netaji PublicationsUNFORTUNATE INDIA BOOK Whoever donates 500 rupees to Netaji National Army and Netaji Publications, we will provide this book to him for free.

Netaji Publications

To change the blind and negative politics and to become a good political leader, we have started Netaji Publication for the youth.

To increase the spirit of nationalism among the youth and to increase patriotismTo tell about the verified status of the country, it is written in this UNFORTUNATE INDIA book. You are requested to read this book carefully and also teach it to the children and also tell all the elders around you about it.

Important notice

good spokespersonWe invite you to Netaji House, people who do literary festivals and dramatize literature.

Use your good talent for the country. We wholeheartedly welcome those who sincerely want to do something good for the country in the Netaji National Army. The work of providing clothes and food to the souls of the freedom fighters had never been done till now.No one in the country has done this kind of devotion before. For the first time we are trying. If we do not remember those people who had sacrificed their lives for freedom, then we too will not be able to make a good future and even God will not forgive us.

Pray for Gurus The tradition of giving clothes and food to our freedom fighters inculcates a sense of nationalism among the students that we are all Indians,It is the responsibility of all of us to preserve India. We pray that you consider it your duty to strengthen the Netaji National Army. After this document reaches you,Please inform other teachers. Ask them for as much help as possible. how much money did you make, 10000Club membership for those who1000and donate moreUNFORTUNATE INDIA book will be provided at their address free of cost. We pray that our recipients pass this information on to others and make our Netaji National Army launch event a success



MOBILE NO. +918073831230



ACCOUNT NO. - 1582100148570

IFSC CODE.- FDRL0001582Long live India

Ramakrishna Kola





The aim of the National Samajwadi Congress as discussed in the first meeting of the members of the National Samajwadi Congress (15 November 2020) is that after India gained independence in 1947, there were many experienced people like Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel who thought about a stupid future called Gandhi, but the one who had no foresight but no foresight was merely because of his foolish politics, the man who was not responsible for nehru  We think it was a big historic mistake in India in 1947 when the Indian rupee and the American dollar were equal 70 years later the US dollar reached 80 rupees, which is the development of every politician in the development of india's progress. We can see who has achieved what is not possible except to talk about poverty and poverty of the people, and if we analyse the reasons for poverty, the 70-year-old Congress Party's responsibility and the inforward administration continue to have power. Their agenda is that they do not do the vile things they have not done for it, the moral ity is irresponsible actions.  buying the people of power
 As an example of the way our current economy is 130 crores, our economy size is 1.9 trillion crores, while the American population is 35 trillion crores economy 23 trillion crores China's population is 160 crores Economy 18 trillion crores It is our development in 70 years What are the reasons why India is like this in 70 years?
Politicians who are not responsible are the main reason why they have converted Indian authorities into slaves who go around politicians by brushing off government systems to exercise power. The performance of 70-year-old IAS IPs systems is an example of 80 percent of the slaves who have lived without responsibility, some have become accustomed to bowing to the power of politicians.  In 2014, Narendra Modi came to power and came to power with the idea of demonetisation and the country was economically destroyed by the uneducated BJP government's unsustainable leadership congress  Malli has issued power to the BJP party. In the second right power and two-and-a-half textiles, the Bjp party has also started opportunist politics like the Congress party, betraying the people and starting opportunist politics like the Congress party.  The National Samajwadi Congress was established with the aim of adding technology to politics and finding a flight path to every problem and bringing economic reforms to india as a developed country and making the old constitution suitable for our present day conditions.    
The party should be taken to the people with the slogan Nava Javanom ka Nayapolitics add Technology to Politics
 The main thing before us is to change the Constitution of India, which has not changed in 70 years, except for the development of technological changes in india, which means that politicians like outdated computers who have been eating like buffaloes in india before the change of the irresponsible political system in India have been sent home completely and technology-savvy updated iPhones are young people in politics  It is the great resolve of the National Samajwadi Congress to use technology to use technology to change the state of the country.